Caillou Ends the World

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This happened a while back, I was playing Sonic Origins on my PC until I heard my doorbell ringing. I opened the door to see nobody there. I looked down to see that I had gotten a tape of Caillou. Now, I'm not a big fan of Caillou or any of its characters, but I had read the back of the tape to find out that it was the original pilot episode of the show! So, like anybody would do, I popped the tape into my old VHS player and started watching the episode. The intro started out normally except that the scenes from other episodes were flashing on the screen. These scenes included: Caillou grabbing the apple off of the apple tree, Caillou making pizzas with the twins, Caillou making bread. There is an extra scene that didn't appear in any episodes, which features Caillou grabbing a machine gun from underneath Boris and Doris' bed. The intro suddenly ended at Caillou screaming. It didn't sound like the cartoon screaming though. Instead, it sounded far too realistic. The screaming lasted for about 10 hours. I thought my ears were bleeding because of that. The title card suddenly appears on screen. The text says "Caillou Ends the World", and the background music is so scary. Even the background of the title card is scary too. This was pretty unsettling for a kids show, and I was getting really uncomfortable. It faded into a scene of Caillou's house at day with the casual happy music. I found that pretty odd, since there was scary music on the title card. I ignored it and continued watching. Caillou was playing with his 2 friends, Leo and Clementine, in the backyard. Leo said to Caillou, "I'm going to go get a drink from the fridge". Caillou offered that his mom would make them all some chocolate milk. Everyone agreed and went inside. "Hey mommy?" Caillou said. "Yes?" Doris said. "Can you make us all some chocolate milk?" Caillou asked. "Of course!" Doris said. At that time, Boris came home from work. "Hey honey." Doris said, "How was work?". "Terrible." Boris said, "I got fired all because I brought Caillou to work yesterday!". "I'm sorry Daddy." Caillou said. "SHUT THE F**K UP YOU LITTLE S**T!" Boris said. I was in shock when I heard that, swearing in a kids show?!?! I continued watching. Caillou started crying and running up to his room. Leo and Clementine said nothing and left the house. 2 days later, Caillou was at school, playing with his friends again. "So guys..." Caillou said. "Yea?" Leo and Clementine both said. "I think my dad hates me." Caillou said. "He punched me and insulted me". Caillou started crying afterwards. "Caillou?" Leo said. Caillou said "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!". He pushed Leo as he ran away. Leo told Ms. Martin and she said that she would deal with him tomorrow. It's the next day and Caillou shows up to school with a fake smile. Ms. Martin greeted Caillou and said that she wanted to talk to him. They both walked over to Ms. Martin's desk and talked about what happened yesterday. "Why did you hurt Leo?" Ms. Martin asked. Caillou didn't answer. "Hello?" Ms. Martin asked. Caillou started to get ticked. "Caillou" Ms. Martin asked again. Caillou had enough. "LEAVE ME THE F**K ALONE B*TCH!" Caillou yelled. Everyone started looking at Caillou. Ms. Martin said, "YOU'VE JUST EARNED YOURSELF A TIMEOUT YOUNG MAN!". Caillou said "I DON'T CARE!".

Caillou walked over to the timeout corner. While Caillou was walking, everyone grunted at him and looked away, even his friends did the same. The next day comes and Caillou doesn't go to school. He instead, stays home. His mother and Rosie say to Caillou that they hate him, and called him a motherf*cker. They both then said "F*CK YOU!" The screen cuts to Caillou talking to himself. He was seeing that now the whole world hates him. Everybody hates him of all things. There was a brief static, and afterwards, we see Caillou placing nuclear bombs, as he said to himself, "If the whole world hates me, then I hate everybody in the whole world back! I must kill everyone!!! Especially Boris, Doris, Rosie, Leo, Ms. Martin, and everyone that turned their backs on me yesterday!" After yet another static, we then see Caillou in a nuclear bomb shell saying, "Goodbye, and good riddance!" Then he presses the big red button on a remote, and the screen becomes black and white, as the bombs started exploding. The explosion sound was so realistic just like the crying earlier. The screen becomes black, and the song "It's The End of the World As We Know It" by R.E.M suddenly starts playing loudly. When that happened, there were no credits. Suddenly, when the song ended, a monster suddenly appeared on screen. It was roaring louder than a jackhammer. I was terrified! When it was over, I messaged the show's creator about this, and she said that the episode has been taken off the air and off of any other Caillou tape and then told me to burn the tape. I did what she said and burnt the tape. I'll never forget that traumatizing experience. Whatever you do, burn the tape, IMMEDIATELY!

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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