I was On youtube searching for part 6 of bully by Karva. Then i saw it but the title was creepy it was called Bullysucide.RIP. i searched it up on my laptop and there was a download link. i Clicked it and the file started downloading. It took 20 seconds to download. When it finished, i opened the folder. There was one file named 182JH0GQ2AWT6.WMV. i opened it and it opened windows media player. I fulled screen the video and started watching. It started with the usual Karva intro but Karva was missing from the intro. It was replaced with cry baby with bloodshot eyes and it said your next. I paused and ran into my christmas tree. an ornament fell on my head and i passed out. A few hours later when i woke up, i had got a cut from the ornament falling and breaking apart. I went to the kitchen and got a bandaid. then i went back to my laptop which was still plugged in. i unpaused it and the intro ended. It started out with crybaby saying "WhY dId YoU PaUsE mE?'. i shrieked and punched my laptop screen. but the screen was still normal even when i punched hard. I said 'C Cause y y y y y yy y y you cre e epy!. Then crybaby said i must kill myself. then she stabbed herself with Lumpy's feet. Then she died. It didnt end there though. The red dress girl was *bleeping* Lumpy. I screamed "WHAT THE *BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*. Then the red dress girl and lumpy got hit by a train. Then the episode finally ended and the file closed itself. i Destroyed that laptop cause it was cursed. I never watched Karva and Happy tree friends ever again
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