Bioshock Infinite
Now don't get me wrong Bioshock Infinite is an amazing game. I had just got the game from my local play'n trade brand new as well. So there's none of that oh I got it for free, or off some old guy.
Anyways during the game you progress through certain areas. I had just made it to the market district I was pretty excited. I had just walked into a corner where an African American couple were sitting. Then some police came over and forced them to play Russian roulette.
At this time the male went first screamed then pulled the trigger. The game showed its animation for the head being blown off. Nonetheless I was creeped out by this. The female picked up the gun and aimed at one of the cops. His partner drew and shot until he knew she was dead and they walked off. While walking off one muttered stupid people. I remember being in shock I knew the game had some racism. Yet nothing can prepare you for what I saw there. I continued on, bothered but wanting to finish what I started. I went through the game with nothing else going wrong.
Soon after I remember the couple I did some research. I found out a similar event had happened to a couple on their anniversary. I tweeted my story to Kev Levine. He denied the couple being in the game and any knowledge to the similarities to the real life couple. I went back gathered footage and posted it on YouTube. Many saw it before it was taken down shortly after my account was deleted. My camera shorted out and I lost the footage.
Trust me though you wouldn't want to see it and go through hell. As far as I know they weren't found in any other person's let's play of Infinite. Now would you kindly let me rest after all it's lights out.
*Warden walks in*
Nurse help me he's having the visions again hurry we're losing him.
*short newspaper excerpt*
crazed man dies of a heart attack late last night.
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