Batman V Superman: Alternate Ending Part 2

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This is a continuation of my previous story called "Batman V Superman Alternate Ending". So enjoy

After I hid my cousin's dead body in the crawl space, I opened up the second file, which read "Alternate Ending Part 2". And then went to the copyright warning as usual. But after that, the scene REALLY STARTED. Instead of Superman surviving the fight like in the other scene, he just outright dies saving the world from doomsday. Lois Lane then cries over her dead boyfriend. But then it fades to black, with white text saying "5 days later". The scene then cuts to a memorial like in the original movie. But then it cuts to multiple newspaper articles which read "Chaotic outbursts in the street after the death of Superman" "Superman dead from Doomsday fight" "Civil war breaks out in the city of Metropolis" "the death of the strongest superhero sparks content with riots, anarchy, terrorism, Satanism, mass shootings, necrophilia, violent civil war and civil unrest in Metropolis and Gotham City as four states rig the vote!" "Superman's untimely death sparks nuclear civil war across Metropolis" "Russian, North Korean, South Korean, Japanese, Indian, and Chinese forces declare a nuclear war on Metropolis and Gotham City and all its territories" "Superman's death reportedly led people to summon the anti-life equation on the world". I then watched through all of it and just went "Wow! Apparently this man was very important!". The scene then cuts to multiple intense fights between the Russians, Japanese and Chinese military and the mother metahumans in the world such as the Amazons, Atlantians, and Kryptonians. It then cuts to show multiple montages of missiles being launched on multiple cities across the United States, including Metropolis, and Gotham City. It shows a massive military plane dropping some kind of toxic gas on themyscira (the home of Wonder Woman). It then shows all the Amazons slowly dying, including Wonder Woman. Then multiple hydrogen bombs were dropped in the ocean which killed all of the Atlantians, along with Aquaman. Pretty much no superhero lived through the war. The only one to make it out alive was Batman, but that's just because he is some stupid rich dickhead, who can pretty much live through anything. It then shows 100 trillion military tanks, helicopters, air vehicles, George Jetson's spaceship etc. They were all violently yelling and cursing at each other, with George Jetson saying "I cannot fucking believe we are still going through this fucking war just cause one fucking dumb mother fucker ended up dying!". After he said that he was then shot in the head through a black hawk chopper. A time card appeared saying "5 years later". It showed a post-apocalyptic earth, similar to the knightmare future scene in the movie. Batman was walking for about 10 minutes, and yes I did watch 10 minutes of goddamn Batman walking. But that's when Batman found the coffin of Superman that had been dug out. He had a horrified look on his face as he saw the coffin lid open on its own to show Superman was actually alive this whole time. He wa butt naked with his junk hanging out and it was very big and veiny. He then looked at Batman with a look of anger as he said "You let this happen, you didn't do anything about the war, how dare you". Batman said "It wasn't my fault, what the fuck was I supposed to do". Before he was gonna say his next sentence, Superman punched through Batman's chest, killing him instantly. He then laughs evilly as the camera pans up to show the sky in flames as the credits rolled.

I was in a state of shock after watching it, I thought "who'd think that Zack Snyder would've wanted the world to see Superman's big junk on screen?". I then got a phone call from my friend, T-Racc, who is an anthropomorphic raccoon. He said "Did you see the news, we're gonna have to evacuate Washington D.C. ASAP!" I then asked "What the fuck is going on?". He then said "there's a giant portal to another dimension with some gray alien-like creature, with a horse shoe symbol on his chest". I gasped, and then went "Oh no, it's Darkseid". I supposed this alleged scene made me summon Darkseid and Steppenwolf. I then looked at my window, then I saw Darkseid staring at me for 2 and a half minutes. He then said "You've done it now Who-Dey!". I gasped "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" I shouted. He then said "Suck my gray balls, furry little prick!". I then woke up in my bathroom, butt naked except for some shorts. It turned out that the last part was actually a drug trip I had after taking too much Advil after watching this crazy scene. Oh well, at least now I know that's not real. So yeah that's the final part to my shitty crappy pasta, hope you've enjoyed this fucked up story. Goodbye, from Who-Dey, to all the other anthropomorphic bengal tigers out there.

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