Attack of the KILLER WHALE
So yea I was heading into New Hampshire when a bunch of buffalo began raiding the place, killing people and climbing buildings and shit, then I said "I ain't got time for this shit" and walked into Taco Deli.
That's when I met him. It was a big masculine duckling holding a giant Australian toffee maker. It was the most beautiful shit you could've ever seen.
Then a collection of turtles walked in and we had a nice conversation about how much the world doesn't actually suck that much, and one of the turtles actually turned out to be BEN in disguise, and he grabbed my neck and threw me across the table which made me mad and have to horribly destroy BEN.
I then wore his insides on my body and ran around like a fuckin' idiot. The sight of this made the buffaloes look at me in disgust and disappointment, and they calmly walked outta' the stratosphere.
Then all of a sudden I got bored and flew to Pluto. my head froze off and I fucking died.
Written by Lil' Blizzaurus
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