Ash's Hyper Realistic Death
It will spook your chill.
The anecdote
I was walking down the street one morning doing my morning jog walk when allva sudden an old man entered my bubble. I was like GET OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE YOU HAG he said fine and gave me a SHQBMVHS (Super High Quality BetaMax and VHS) with a label that said Pocket Monsters and I popped it in. It was a vidyo of Satashi standing but also dead I thought there was more to this so I went to Nintendo and asked them what it was and I became an intern there. Then I worked my way up to CEO of Pokemon anime and they told me the story. There was this guy named Hank Thatherton. He was the production producer of Pockemon and he started to hate kids because he didn't like paying child support for his wife so he made a video to spite them and then he killed himself and became a ghost. This is why the spirit realm is referenced in the vidyo so that way he could enter the world of his cartoon and make kids be guilty for spilling apple juice on the carpet and pulling the tails of the family dog and throwing temper tantrums and calling their moms turdfaces.
I stole the DVD containing it and burned it to my computer and uploaded to YouTube because I needed to prove that it wasn't fake and then I watched it. It started with Ash getting eaten by Psychic greenhaired lady then Misty and Ockbray starting glowing. Then ghost pockemon appeared then they started glowing again but this time there were spooky voices. Then EVIL PATRIXXX shaked then stabbed Ashh in the arm. Then he threw shuriken at his mouth and hhis eyes hollwed then it showed the part on the BetzMax.
Erection bedding
I get a bit of that in the morning heph heph.
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