Arthur: September 11
Arthur Reed is alone on his bed when Baby Kate toddles into the room, wailing in a ballistic manner. "I'm trying to read a book!!!" Arthur screamed as he threw Baby Kate down the stairs, and locked the door. The time on his clock reads "8:48 a.m." He decides to turn the TV on, and what he sees is the World Trade Center at sun rise; all of a sudden, Arthur sees what appears to be a Boeing 787 Dream-liner headed for the North Tower! He calls out for his parents to come, but it's already too late, as the plane has crashed into the 110-story skyscraper to the sound of a blood curdling scream of agony.
The screen fades to a title card that reads "9:02 a.m." Arthur's mother is watching the North Tower burn with her emotionless father, when she sees another plane--this time, it's a McDonnell Douglas DC-10, and it's headed straight for the South Tower! A few seconds later, the plane crashes into the 85th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, and that's when Arthur comes in and screams "Oh, my God! I honestly can not believe it." Arthur's father and mother both tearfully say: "Look at the screen, and you'll see!" So Arthur does, staring blankly at the burning Twin Towers, and that's when a new scene fades in.
Arthur's mother is on what appears to be a Boeing 757-200, and it's headed straight for the Pentagon! The plane crashes into the screen to the sound of breaking glass, and then it cuts to a second Boeing 787 Dream-liner, and it's spiraling downward because of a cockpit fight! Then, BAM! The plane has slam dunked into the grounds of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing all on-board. Afterwards, Arthur walks toward the burning South Tower along with D.W., who says that his mother has died. In response, Arthur looks up and sees the top portion of the South Tower collapsing on him and his 7-year-old sister. Arthur runs away from the flaming debris, but D.W. doesn't make it.
The last scene shows a massive fire raining down on Arthur, who is almost instantly crushed to death by the flames, as it's revealed that the North Tower has collapsed as well. Soon, time passes and One World Trade Center is built in place of the North Tower. Arthur's father then turns off the TV, walks to a nearby apple tree, takes out a noose, and hangs himself.
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