Around The World In 80 Days Lost episode
When I was a Kid (, in 1989, I saw Around The World In 80 Days Cartoon, All Episodes. I Loved it. When i was 18, I saw the film. I Liked it. In the cartoon version, I Liked the phrase: "You got a plan, Mr. Fix?". In the 2014 (When i was 25, married), i saw the intro For the ATWIED(Around The World In 80(Eighty) Days) cartoon on youtube, Nostalgia was extremly Rumbling! I found the cartoon dvd On the attic, I Heard Passepartout's (Cartoon) Dying Scream, I Didn't shit my pants. I Played the DVD, Couldn't Get the CD Out, The Title Card! In spongebob, After the intro, there is title card. The episode country is Death Forest, Japan. The Episode starts in England as in 2 episodes. (Note: I Will Call Phelias, Fogg.) Fogg Said to Passepartout: "We're going to Suicide Forest, In Japan", "No! Please! I Don't Want do die!!!" Passepartout cried out. "Too Bad!" Said Fogg. He Kicked So so so so so Extremly Strongly passepartout to the Suicide forest, Japan. Then Passeparout said 5 Words: "I" "Want" "To" "Kill" "Myselffff......." Then he took the knife and He Aimed At his heart, He died. The Proverb! Fogg Said, "You can't Defeat the satan, Give up."
CD Player exploded,
CD Flew fast to the Window, But i Catched With the Piece of The Cd Player, The Cd Player was glitchy. So, Don't Try to come across of the episode, But Unfortunatley, I Did. Later On next day, i told my wife what happend on night. I Didn't slept, I Drank 20 Oz of coffee, Unhealthy, but i did it. My Wife Loved fire, So Me And She Burned the CD Down, A Pentagram! And some how a picture popped out. The Pentagram was (Note: I Can translate any of pentagram) Satan Eating the soul, Translation: I Will eat out your soul.
The Picture was Dead Passepartout, Much Real than Our reality.
I Called The Christians so They Must Help Us.
To Be Continued...
Fuck G+
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