Another shitload of slenderman spinoffs
NSFW WARNING This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations... Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter. |
slendy gets a pokemon
slendy catches aids
slendy finds cure for cancer
slendy grows walrus tusk
slendy loses his house
slendy eats a plane
slendy steals uneccesary stuff from people
slendy rides a sleigh
slendy and jane
slendy and jane has sex...
slendy lives in a sewer
slendy gets in scooby doo
slendy gets a tumor
slendy flies a plane
slendy gets a sex change
slendy goes in a UFO
slendy licks the floor
slendy goes to a musium
slendy gets piano lessons
slendy gets a twin brother
slendy gets blow up dolls
slendy turns into a pokemon
slendy swims through land somehow
slendy gets banned from trollpasta wiki
slendy hurts his ass
slendy goes to home depot
slendy goes to college
slendy smokes pot
slendy gets a shit collection in his garage and put the shit in jars
slendy meets jeff the killer
slendy gets warts
slendy kills all gingers
slendy turns into a 2ne hitler
slendy pops out of peoples ass's
slendy flies
slendy gets his own personal helicopter
slendy gets abs
slendy meets wario
slendy turns to the fatest person in history
slendy dicovers the meaning of life and everything
slendy knows everything in hitory
slendy gets party clothes
slendy gets a wig
slendy makes a kids movie
slendy makes a video game
slendy sleeps during his stalks
slendy goes to the zoo
slendy goes to a dentist
slendy gets a fap addiction
slendy goes to a library
slendy does stuff with smile dog
slendy gets bored
slendy rides in a taxi
slendy gets scared and shits bricks
slendy eats kermixx for breakfast
slendy gets a comic book
slendy goes to a airport
slendy eats whole everybody who likes him
slendy gets weird
slendy gets pooped out
slendy rides on a mop
slendy is scared of ghost
slendy turns into super man
slendy gets a robot clone
slendy does extreme shit
slendy rides a falcon
slendy be's a spongebob chariter
slendy gets huge muccles
slendy takes steroids
slendy climbs on random objects
slendy throws box's at people
slendy turns 2000000000000000000000000000000000 feet high
slendy climbs a biulding
slendy does parkour
slendy gets his tounge stuck on something cold
slendy goes on a boat ride
slendy steals things from peoples dumpsters
slendy is a transformer
slendy takes bathsalts
slendy drinks shit loads of alcohol
slendy makes a gang
slendy gets famouse for grumpy slendy
slendy plays happy wheels
super slendy bros wii
slendy goes to the sun
slendy goes to hell
slendy eats yogurt
slendy makes creepypastas
slendy rides a walrus
slendy has a bucket... no they be stealing slendys bucket
slendy gets a heart attack
slendy VS ender man
slendy makes over 9 thousand wiki's and only 2 doesn't get deleted
slendy makes music
slendy takes a shower
slendy gets bit by a shark
slendy takes a bath in the watter fall and jeff steals his clothes and slendy has no money to get new ones
slendy lives in a dog house
slendy grows a boner
slendy has an abortion
slendy gets pregnant
slendy eats your spouse
slendy jacks off
slendy goes into the hunger games
slendy nukes the world
slendy becomes communist
slendy farts a silent fart
slendy gets a face
slendy does the twerk
slendy does the Harlem shake
slendy smokes weed
slendy does cocaine
slendy does heroin
slendy does meth
slendy gets painted green
slendy VS pedobear
slendy creates a porno
slendy becames gay
slendy becomes bi
slendy takes a shit....and eats it
slendy tries to kill Evil Patrixxx....but fails cuz Patrixxx can't die
slendy gets a girlfriend
feel free to make these...
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