Admins vs Wikia Contributors: Revelations
Sequel to Admins vs Wikia Contributors: The First Chapter
I was interested in this game called Admins vs Wikia Contributors: The First Chapter. Someone got arrested for murdering people because his classmates said the game wasn't hyper-realistic. His classmates were probably blind, because the game was pretty damn realistic, you could feel everything on the screen as if they were real. But yeah, I picked up Admins vs Wikia Contributors at a pawn shop or eBay (I can't remember, I purchased the game 6 years ago, but yeah, it has to be a pawn shop or eBay) and it was a pretty damn good game. I finished it, my favourite character was GodzillaFan1, just think of him as Godzilla in a human body. The game was exclusive to Xbox 420.
Anyways, I was so hyped to purchase Admins vs Wikia Contributors: Revelations, so I hurried over to GameStop to pick it up, and I wanted to be the first purchase, but this one dumbass was standing in my way when I was on my way to GameStop so I shot him and got the game FOR FREE at GameStop. What was weird, was, the cover had hyper-realistic blood on it, and it was basically Yaoi fan-fiction anime stuff, which confused me alot. Why would that be on this game's cover? Maybe it's the wikia contributors disguised as anime girls so they can trick the admins, and then, later on, kill them? Well, we wouldn't find out until we inserted the disc into the slot!
When I booted up the game, I was amazed. The menu looked even more hyper-realistic then before, but what creeped me out was THE BLOOD. THE BLOOD ((why did I emphasise blood?) was so hyper-realistic, that you could feel it on the screen. It was damn disgusting, but yeah. Then there were wikia contributors dancing around, and they suddenly morphed into yaoi fanfic anime girls. Guess my theory was correct, but I digress. There were weird whispers on the menu, saying my full name, but I thought it was a glitch, so my hyper-realistic dumbass decided to start a new game.
There was an opening cutscene. I was surprised. I thought all the Wikia contributors died when the admins killed them in the first game, but here, it did not seem to be the case. There were two remaining survivors of the Wikia contributor plague; they were hiding in a bunker. One contributor was male, the other was female. The male one had a hat with a Nazi symbol on it saying "HEIL HITLER", the female one looked like Fiona from Shrek on crack. They were soulmates, but weren't going to do anything nasty yet, which I was happy about, I didn't want more wikia contributors. They were talking about their "Zero Admins Plan". It suddenly panned to thousands of Yaoi fangirls. I was confused. Then they said that they were actually normal wikia accounts, morphed into Yaoi fangirls so that they could use them to seduce the admins. I was shocked. How could they do something as sick as this?
Anyway, Buttcheeks (let's just call the male contributor that) decided to set his plan by sending his Yaoi fangirls to the admins. Pussy (let's call the female contributor that) agreed. Then we see a cutscene of possessed Yaoi fangirls to the admins. Some of the admins were seduced and became soulmates, but the others borderline went "Fuck off" and Fus-Ro-DAH'd them out of existence. "Hmph, you've done a good job" Buttcheeks said. "Now, it's time to put my plans into motion" he continued, as he headed outside. He told pussy to stay inside just incase any of the admins catch him.
I was now in control of Buttcheeks. What a shocker! Who would've thought we would've played as a Wikia Contributor in a game ABOUT killing wikia contributors? Anyway, the enemies of the story were basically normal wikia accounts who hadn't been turned into Yaoi fangirls, it was pretty hard, but I beat them. Buttcheeks killed all the admins who had been seduced, then went after the admins who weren't, they were boss battles.
SomeGuy123 was easy, he was just a medic, so he couldn't do shit without an ally.
GodzillaFan1 was so hard, he always fucking spammed annoying atomic breaths, but I killed by stunning him with an image of Holly the Killer, who he hates, then destroyed him.
LOLSKELETONS was the final boss. "Today is the day your life comes to your end... Admin" Buttcheeks said. "You flatter me," LOLSKELETONS said. "I'd like to see you try, Dumbass". I was surprised. This game knew my REAL NAME! So I shut off the game, but then when I did, hyper-realistic blood came out of my screen, and a skeleton popped out and tried to kill me by using Skull cum, one of his signature attacks, but I quickly grabbed a hammer and hammered him. He was like "ah ah ah" and died. But then, Shrek popped out of my screen, so I used my Bane of Shrek to chase him away. However, Evil Patrixx broke down my door and killed me. The last words I remember before dying were "Wikia Contributors can never kill admins, it doesn't matter who it is, fucking Dumbass"
Written by ThatOneGuyWhoIsP2W
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