A Cuopple Of Elevy Miles Ritual At Mid Night!
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Is dare eva somtin u wants bary bad! So bad dat u woud go to da end of de word to get it! Wel I gots a salutin for yous! U dont have to go to de and of da word! But u do haves to go someware! Da placey is actuakly closor dan one may tink! It is not impossible to get dare but some pepoe may not be abley to met the requirenments! It must be someting dat u relly dosire and needy! U can not turn away wen da journy starts!U need a veichle! Most likly a car CUZ ATVS AND MOTOCYLCES MIGHT NOT HANDLE DA CONDTIONS! U NO WHAT IM SAYIN!
Dont use a veichle small and old! Use an expensive flashy one becuase it might make dem go away! U want your pink new hiopy van to halp! Da first ting to do is to locate da road! It does not haves a name! It is not on goolge mapys! And it techlially dos not EVEN EXISTY! It will only show up if u look for it at exactly 12 am and you know what to look for! U must be alone cuz day will sytay a way dan!Hear a afew rules! Dont turn on the lights during the elevy miles game! Do not use a flash light during the elevy miles game! Dont go to slleep during hte elevy miles game! And never EVA! AND I MEAN EVA! WEQAR A THONG! THEY WILL IMIDIATLY BE ATTRACTED TO YO THONG AND KILL U! You must drive by a gay bar lots of times! If u no wat to louk for u can find da road easily! Dare is a sing depinding on da ting u want bary badly! If u are looking ofr sex u will see a turn laced with C MEN! If you want WEED! You will see a grren place with SNOOP AND a sing dat points to dat road dat says "smoke weed anvey day" Once u find it u must turn! At this start u have offically started elvey miles! Da journy will test you to see if you really want da ting bary baldhy! and expose if u want!
Dont use a radio or phone before dirvey! u have bad reception anyway! You also must have top an car cuz with out it day wil FUCKS YOU! And dont leave veichle or go 21 miles per houer unlesss desperete! And most important! BUCKEY UP! DIS WILL BE ONE BOOMPY ASS RIDE! Time stopy on road CUZ U MAY NOT NOTICE BUT U IN DIIFERNT ROAD! FIRST MILE IS ONLY ROAD U CNA TURN BACK! DA ROAD ON fist mile goes through pink gay woods! Dis mile easy so cal the fak down! If dare was clouds before the sky is now cler! and dare will be many penis constilations in the star! On the second mile da air will become even gayer! CUZ EACH MILE GETS GAYER! IF IT GETS TO GAY SPED UP! GOTSA GO FAST! it also gets more twisty and tuerny! If your vichle stops cuz damage DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! I REPEAT DAY WILL FUCKS YOU!
On da fird mile u start sing DEM by da trees! Dont peek at dem cuz day will come later! At this mile da world will bemome pink if it wasnt before! one more ting! If yous turns around dan u will be on a neva endin paf ware u run out of fua and day wil fucks you1 I REPEAT DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! on da forf mile! Dem will not be vissalbe! But you might hear dem! But u might hear gay music in da bak of yours head! If you try to figure out da song! DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! I REPEAT DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! Tink about wat you wants to tune dem out! you want to stay away cuz day will come later on da fif mile u will come to a clearing ware da trees on your left side will go bye bye! You will se an never ending lake of you gussed it1 CMEN! But dare is a giant nakey old man in dare takin a baf! Da head lights wont be needed cuz da old mans head is so bald! BUT DONTS LOOK AT HIM! I REPEAT DONT LOOK AT HIM! If you look at him for at leas 4.138547549797579473828092109 seconds he will grab you and use u as his sponge for etirnity! on da sixfth mile, u are ALMOST HALF WAY DONE! but u ma loose hope! DA panis constilations will go bye bye and trees wil come back! If u have a radio in da veichle it wil turn on hear! if u didnt turn it off before! IT WILL FUCKS YOU I REPEAT IT WILL FUCKS YOU! a lost episode of Fred Da show will come on da radio and it will be da most annoying ting eva! If u lissin u will goes inanes! At da end oif da mile da episode will end! on da sevy mile day gay song wiil come back! Eventually it wils be so close you hear it in your hear! dats becuase one of day gay guys found his way in da veichle! DO NOT TURN AROUND! OR HE WILL FUCKS YOU! I REPEAT HE WILL FUCKS YOU! IF U PRETEND ITS GONE IT WILL GO! DEES BEINGS ARE SAID TO BE DA ONES WHO WENT ON ROAD BEFORE BUT GOT FUCKS! BUT DAY CANT HARM YOU! ALL DAY CAN DO IS FUCKS YOU! so you should be fine!
on da afe mile da road will fave shar turns if over shot u will be fucks! The guy also becomes unberrible hear! if you had a watter bottle itwill now be pink lemonade! da gay guys will be following you blasting da music and clawing at your qindowa and kissing it! on da ninf mile ur veichle wll sta! U cant stop! U must close ur eyes and restart da veichle! if u open ur eyes u gussed it! DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! DAY WILL FUCKS YOU! ef your windows become pink dont loose focus or listen to day gay songs! pretend day not rel! When da veichle starts! FLOOR IT ON DA PAF I REPEAT FLORR IT ON DA PAF!
On da tenf mile everyting will be comey! da beings will be doing a seeing you off dance by humping da air! it feels like u on forf mile! Sum say da firgures are impressed u mad it dis far! DAY ARE NOT IMPRESSED! But day are happy u ware aprochin da last mile! Day are happy daat u will be FUCKS! on da elefent mile da elevy mile! USE THE CIRCLE OF SUALT AND JIZ YOUR SELF! DA VEICHLE WILL SHUT DOWN AND BE BING DRAGEY TO A GAY STRIP CLUB! To guys in thong will be bent over at da door! CLOSE YOUR FUCKING EYES I REPET CLOSE YOUR FUCKING EYES! You may want to close ur ears to but ur eyes is wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more imortant! Yuo will hear da most gay nosies once entered! da gay will burn u and ur veichle u will feall butts weiners and kissses1 IF U KEEP UR EYS CLOSED U ARE SAFE! DIS WILL LAST FOR 21.5484803834223-9-2348094387575 SECONDS! BUT MANY CANT KEEPS DUR EYES CLOSE DAT LONGY! ware is dis strip club located! Surriviours dint no! But some have anmed it da transmition form GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! weather its a part of gay is debatilber! After da final mile u will have power! breth and begin to drive forward! at a kilomiteter stay still u will be in a pink feild! imagine wat u want! it is probs da same as start but may chngey! tink about wat u went through such terryfing and gay measn to aqquire! if u vizulazie it open ur eyes! Ur back at da place u started at! if want matiereak it will be in seat or trunlE1 if ammall enoguh it will be up ur but1 If not material u will have its! so wats da catch! NO CATCH! u di da gay challege! da gay souns may give u night mare but u ok!
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