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On the night of July 25, 2005, Nickelodeon experienced a mysterious and unexplainable glitch during the airing of one of the episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants. This strange glitch caused this specific Spongebob episode to glitch out and morph in strange ways. A few lucky people were able to catch a glimpse of the episode, and some clips of the episode made it onto to YouTube, making this occurrence known to the public.

I myself am one of the people that witnessed the incident...

I was chilling at home one night scrolling through channels on the remote and found that an episode of Spongebob was airing Nick. I was bored at the time because I didn't know what to do that would keep me entertained, so I decided to watch it.

The episode that was on was Your Shoe's Untied/Gary Takes a Bath, though I believe I missed a part of the episode. I continued watching, but I noticed something odd. When Patrick said, "Hey, Spongebob," Spongebob wouldn't move. He wouldn't even reply. He just stood there as the camera zoomed in to his body.

Patrick was confused at this. "Spongebob?" he asked, but Spongebob didn't reply, he just stood there staring at the screen as the camera zoomed in on him. Then, Spongebob got up for a split second twice, which made it look like he was gasping for air. It continued to stay on Spongebob's body until cutting to static after a few minutes. Now I've seen this episode a million times, but this wasn't it.

It cut to Spongebob laying on the floor, but he's now at the Krusty Krab in the kitchen. A few seconds later it cut to Spongebob's body in a black room, floating in the air in a different direction but in the same pose. Then it immediately cut to Spongebob and Gary sitting in a huge shoe while Gary slightly moved up and down while a weird distorted music track played.

"What the heck is going on," I mumbled to myself. After a few more seconds, it cut to static for a few seconds and then went to black. After a minute of nothing but a black screen, the episode Gary Takes a Bath started playing. The episode started out pretty normal, but half way through the episode, there was a split second scene of Spongebob in a distorted visual with Gary. They were just staring at the screen, smiling creepily. It then cut to static. I was confused if this was even the real episode or just some glitch. I tried shutting it off and turning it back on, but the episode stayed the same.

I decided to just turn off the TV and went to bed. The next morning, I went and turned on the TV and saw that everything was back to normal. To this day, I still have so many questions about this drug-trip of an episode. Was I having a bad dream? Was the TV hijacked? To this day, I still don't know what the heck was going on at the time.

It's been a couple of years since the incident and I still don't have any answers, even after searching through the internet for hours on end. To this day, no one knows how this incident occurred or who or what caused it. But I am determined to find this out for myself.

One of these days, this mystery will be solved...

Credited to SpongebobSummerSplash

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