1995/07/29 build
it all start a long time ago in 2016, I remember i got Super Mario 64 for my birthday since i was a teenager, later i lost my video game when my family move in a new house. later I stumble across with a reddit post saying " theres a copy of Mario 64 containing the original wario appeartion" I later replied to him and the reddit user replied to me " i have the copy of mario 64 and you should try it out, its in ebay", I buy it and i waited for 3 days until the package have arrived to my house, I began to play the game and the title looks normal at first until i play the game when i realized peach's castle look different, it has a clock but it din't made it in final game which so i enter peach's castle. I go to the first level and everything was normal but i saw a black figure that look like mario, i follow it until it's lead me to a cabin instead of king bomb bomb. i enter the cabin when i open the room door, I saw dead body of Goombas and Koopas and a letter said " find me mario...." which I see a tube , i went to the tube and i entered to a black empty room until i heard a piano sound, it was the mad piano ! i run away from that monster and the music starts getting faster faster until i found the another tube. i finally enter another tube and it leads me to a new place before. it has a long hall and i quickly run there until a floating head appears at the portal wall, it reveals was wario himself! wario said to me " you now found me! you want fun? wario show you fun!!", i run away from wario head but wario gets very fast which mario was slow very slow, the exit appears but wario catches up with mario, finally wario eats mario from eat and the game crashed, later I send back to the reddit user and he said " this is real, NIntendo made the beta of this game, i own the copy of this game, but now you will be haunted ".
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