"Got You P!C@C*()U.exe"

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All I can say right now is if yo love Pokemon that much, go away.The game you see might look peaceful, but that's just the cover of what I purchased.The world of mystical creature's that roam around the earth getting cared and more might be a fun game.But to me, this is the reason I never played a pokemon game.

I purchased a game at a garage sale which look in perfect condition.She said  that her son loved this game, but alas got old and forgot about it.I was 5 years old when I bought it and man it looked fun.The game allowed me to talk to pikachu,as if it was all real.I never really played the Nintendo 64 that much after 2 weeks and then never played it for 7 years.I was seeing a Pokemon Channel gameplay and I gave a thought "Hey I remember a game that was like that".I digged in to my brothers room and found the game only it had the sticker ripped in half due to the oldness it was.I popped the game in the Nintendo 64 and this is what it said "Got You P!C@C*()U"

It only showed Pikachu all mangled but it looked as though it was happy about it.I pressed start and there were 3 profiles:WHY......LEAVE........ME?.I choosed WHY and it showed a cutscene of Pikachu sleeping but crying also.The textbox appeared and said,"Pikachu sleeping so peacefully,how boring.But i'll make him lose his snoring."Oh my god!!A refrence to Hypno's Lullaby?Pikachu woke up with no bruises and sad.But he did a suprised jump as if I was new."Pikachu,it's me Christian."He jumped and it was all normal until we went to the map.It was all dark red and had parts of 8-bit pokemon characters.We choosed the forest part and Pikachu screamed NO!!!But we went in there.

It had no music but only sounds of the forest and Pikachu.We found a luchbox and I was happy.But Pikachu was sad.The textbox said "Pikachu is sad.This is the luchbox of his last picnic with Bulbasur all because of you".Then it let out a scream that wasn't even human.The textbox said "STRANGLE HIM" and it showed Pikachu all bloody and there was 2 human hands strangaling him.

I was so scared that I didn't know what was happening.So I clicked B and A a few times and Pikachu was not blinking.In fact he had no eyes.A deep voice and textbox appeared "YES YOU FINISHED HIM."I came back with the Title again and it was pitch black with the same title as before.This time there were no files only a note saying "Look into the box,friend."It was a poem called "The PikaKill Song".This is how it goes:

"Pokemon Pokemon it's so sick.I got a song that'll make you tick."

"Call them all call if you can.Then strangle,like a mannn"

"Now your Pikachu will die next.Just call him and that's it"

"Don't cry Pikachu it's all right.You'll see your friends all night"

"Laugh to him.Laugh to him.Or else he'll escape"

"Die now little pokemon rest well.Now you will see what is hell."

When I read this poem, I saw Pikachu smiling demonically.The Pikachu said it's last words,"PIKA'S GOT YOU."


Credited to DeathSurvive480
Originally uploaded on December 31, 2012

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